The Second Lockdown Is HERE by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper
Almost half of the United States has again restricted movement and called for measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19. After a week straight of more than 100,000 cases per day being diagnosed across the country, the second lockdown of America has begun.
It’s important to note that it doesn’t really matter whether you personally believe that COVID-19 is risky or not. The issue that all of us face, regardless of our own belief system, is that another round of lockdowns is coming. And if you think the last lockdowns damaged the United States, Round #2 has the potential for even more extreme repercussions.
Consider this your early warning to go pick up any last-minute supplies at the store while you still can.
These are the states that have instituted new lockdown measures.
Best Life Online reports that governors in 22 states are beginning to enforce measures like curfews and the closures of “non-essential” businesses. If you live in one of the following states, you may find that restrictions are increasing quickly.
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Texas
- Utah
- Wisconsin
Go here to get the details for each of the states mentioned above.
Remember that the last time the United States faced lockdowns, things started off gradually as well. It wasn’t long before Americans were asked to stay home “for two weeks to flatten the curve.”
Just in time for the holidays
Some states are already issuing guidance for the holiday season and making rules about how many people you can invite to your get-togethers. California Governor Gavin Newsom offered the following guidance for your Thanksgiving dinner.
- Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests. Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer.
- Keep the households that you interact with stable over time. By spending time with the same people, risk of transmission is reduced. Participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged.
- The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.
- Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.
- Gatherings may occur in outdoor spaces that are covered by umbrellas, canopies, awnings, roofs, and other shade structures provided that at least three sides of the space (or 75%) are open to the outdoors.
- A gathering of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or other outdoor space, even if unrelated gatherings of other groups up to three households are also occurring in the same park or other outdoor space. If multiple such gatherings are occurring, mixing between group gatherings is not allowed. Additionally, multiple gatherings of three households cannot be jointly organized or coordinated to occur in the same public park or other outdoor space at the same time – this would constitute a gathering exceeding the permitted size.
- Shared items should not be used during a gathering. As much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers. If providing single-serve containers is not possible, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering. Self-serve items from communal containers should not be used.
- When gathering, face coverings must be worn in accordance with the CDPH Guidance on the Use of Face Coverings (PDF), unless an exemption is applicable.
- People at gatherings may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.
- Face coverings can also be removed to meet urgent medical needs (for example, to use an asthma inhaler, take medication, or if feeling light-headed).
- Gatherings should be two hours or less. The longer the duration, the risk of transmission increases.
- Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged, but if they occur, the following rules and recommendations apply:
- All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting, including anyone who is leading a song or chant. Because these activities pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission, face coverings are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols;
- People who are singing, shouting, chanting, or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6 feet to further reduce risk.
- People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).
- Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households. Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged. (source)
Wow, that certainly sounds like a lot of fun.
New York’s Governor, Mario Cuomo, recommends skipping Thanksgiving altogether.