How the Resurrection Principle Applies to the 2020 Election

How the Resurrection Principle Applies to the 2020 Election by EDDIE HYATT for Charisma News

During a time of prayer on Saturday, I asked the Lord for an encouraging word for those I would be addressing in a Sunday morning livestream. I knew many were troubled and sad at the media reports that Joe Biden would be the next president of the United States.

The request for an encouraging word was hardly out of my mouth when there dropped into my mind a word God gave me at a devastating time in my life around 42 years ago. I sensed an immediate lift in my spirit, and I knew it was the message God wanted me to share.

A Life-Changing Word from God

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About two years into our marriage and ministry together, Sue and I lost everything. We lost our place to live. We lost the place where we were having meetings for the congregation and ministry we were planting in eastern Canada. Everything was gone. The God-given vision and mandate had died.

In the midst of this devastation we sat on a park bench with two friends, lifting our hearts in prayer. I remember their 5-year old daughter, Cara, sitting with us and praying in tongues.

Suddenly, out of my innermost being, those rivers of living water Jesus spoke about in John 7:37-39 began to flow, and I began praying in tongues. I realize that we charismatics have learned to pray in tongues on cue—at the drop of a hat. Such prayers, however, are usually from the neck up and powerless.

This was prayer I could feel flowing out of my spirit. And all the time I was praying, I could hear the words, “Don’t be afraid of death because I Am the Resurrection.” I recognized these as the words, in part, that Jesus spoke to Martha just before he raised her brother, Lazarus, from the dead (John 11:25).

I knew the Lord was telling me not to fear the death of the vision and mandate He had given. I knew He was telling me it would be brought back to life, not by my scheming and planning, but by His resurrection life and power.

A resurrection did occur in our lives and ministry. A yielding to God, a determination not to quit, a step of obedience and resurrection power flowed forth. The ministry that came forth was not the same as before; for it came forth in His resurrection power and in ways we could never have planned or strategized.

Resurrection and the 2020 Election

I am not going to presume to say how the 2020 election will eventually turn out. But I know that when I asked the Lord for a word of encouragement for those who are discouraged about the election, He reminded me of those words He spoke so many years ago.

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