How Donald Trump paved the way for an authentically Christian Republican Party

How Donald Trump paved the way for an authentically Christian Republican Party By Michael Warren Davis for Life Site News

Sooner or later, the day will come when President Trump will be succeeded by another pro-work Republican. And this new, pro-work Republican will trounce the socialist, welfarist, globalist, racialist Democrats.

We are a working-class party now. That’s the future.” —Senator Josh Hawley

I’ve held off on writing a post-election column, hoping against hope that the votes would be counted quickly and fairly. I suppose that was naïve. At this rate — and regardless of who “wins” in the end — half of the American people will feel cheated out of victory.

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One thing is certain, however. In 2020, President Trump won a larger share of nonwhite voters than any Republican candidate since 1960. It is (rightly) being hailed as a sign that normal Americans reject the Democrats’ politics of racial resentment. This is good news for conservatives, and very good news for Christians.

The Democrats went into this election assuming they would win by a landslide, thanks largely to black and Latino voters. That “Blue Wave” never appeared, however, because the President actually won more votes from every demographic group… except old white men.

Of course, Critical Race Theory has always been more popular among affluent whites than poor minorities. That’s why professional Wokesters like Robin DiAngelo and Nikole Hannah-Jones spend all their time in corporate boardrooms. It’s also why most “anti-racist” rioters are pale, skinny teenagers.

So, we can’t say for sure how many of our countrymen actually view the United States as in the thrall of systemic racism. But some do. The mobs that sacked Portland and Kenosha certainly do. All the Democratic Party’s rising stars, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, are deeply sympathetic to these racialist narratives. All of them believe that one’s standing in this country is (or ought to be) determined by the color of one’s skin, not the content of one’s character. They believe that pernicious old lie, that “demography is destiny.”

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