GNN Note – You need to read this – Catching My Breath #END
America is not mentioned by name in bible prophecy, and certainly neither are Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. But what is mentioned in your King James Bible, and what is prophesied, is the coming New World Order under Antichrist. As Ronald Reagan so aptly pointed out in his landmark speech ‘A Time For Choosing’, America is the last nation on Earth to stand alone for freedom, liberty and provide it’s people the ability to worship God in peace and security. No other nation on Earth has ever guaranteed those things to its people, and because of that, America is unique. But because of those exact same things, America stands in the way of the New World Order, and as such must be taken out of the way.
America stands in the way of the New World Order, and as such must be taken out of the way. What you are watching now is our elected leaders betraying this nation and pulling down the remaining pillars on which it stands.
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The graphic that you see at the top of this article is the original banner I created over ten years ago. How well I remember sitting in front of my computer at my home in Colorado, looking at a completely blank canvas in Photoshop, and asking the Lord what He would have me to make. This was the very first graphic ever created for Now The End Begins. I direct your attention to the text in the bottom left-hand corner of the image, this is where our story takes place right now in 2020. Take a look and see:
“For generations the Bible has warned of the coming End of Days, and you are now living in that time. America, a nation raised up by the Hand of God to spread the Gospel and to be a beacon of Freedom for people around the world is about to be forever silenced by these sworn to protect her—her leaders.” Geoffrey Grider 2009
America is not mentioned by name in bible prophecy, and certainly neither are Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. But what is mentioned in your King James Bible, and what is prophesied, is the coming New World Order under Antichrist. As Ronald Reagan so aptly pointed out in his landmark speech ‘A Time For Choosing’, America is the last nation on Earth to stand alone for freedom, liberty and provide it’s people the ability to worship God in peace and security. No other nation on Earth has ever guaranteed those things to its people, and because of that, America is unique. But because of those exact same things, America stands in the way of the New World Order, and as such must be taken out of the way.
This has been a massive undertaking, costing billions of dollars and laid out over many years. On January 17, 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower ends his presidential term by warning the nation about the increasing power of the military-industrial complex, it is here the seeds of anarchy were sown. From there we watch President John F. Kennedy, in a speech entitled “The President and the Press” given at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City on April 27, 1961, telling America how he aimed to expose the many ‘secret societies’ that were rising in power in the Deep State. Not long after he gave that speech, his security detail would be call off of his car in Dallas, Texas, and he would be dead. Murdered not by Lee Harvey Oswald, but by the CIA and George H.W. Bush.