Jesus Saw the People, the Pain; So Should We

Jesus Saw the People, the Pain; So Should We DAN WOLGUMUTH for Charisma News

“As he passed by, He saw a man blind from birth” (John 9:1).

A recent trip to downtown Denver on the local train provided transportation and a bit more.

Masks on. Space provided. Miles covered.

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Once downtown, a walk to a beautifully renovated office building—and the assignment at hand. I was focused. My mind locked on the subject in front of me. My destination was a studio where I would livestream a video to our Youth for Christ staff around the United States. This was the virtual replacement for seven geographically targeted conferences that had been on the agenda at the start of the year.

I felt strongly about the specific message I wanted to deliver in a tight 25-minute window.

My notes were printed, highlighted and appropriately scribbled on. I was ready.

Once delivered, I retraced the route. But this time, my personal attention was less focused on my own righteous agenda and, consequently, more responsive to the world around me.

The homeless man on the corner panhandling. The young guy sitting on the bench by the bus stop. He looked weathered. Worn. Out of it.

Then there was the Greyhound bus station in the lower level of Union Station. Benches cluttered with people heading to wherever. For whatever. Toting luggage and burdens that seemed to ooze from their expressions. I heard a baby crying. I saw a man on the floor sleeping on his bags.

Then the train back to my car. Again, staccato interaction with a few other passengers. All with a story. All with a destination in mind. In relatively close proximity, but miles away.

Were these people here when I traveled downtown? Had the brokenness and loneliness of the community just surfaced?

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