Does Quoting Scripture Get Biden Off The Hook? No, Here’s Why… Shane Idleman
Though I don’t think he actually wrote one word of it, in a last-minute attempt to convince Christians to vote for him, Joe Biden peppered his newest op-ed with Scriptures. Ironically, what Biden and others miss is that the power of God’s Word is in the application of it, not merely in “quoting” it. James 1:22 warns, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 4:17 adds, “Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” This is why the application of God’s Word is vital—it divides the truth from the error.
Many politicians use religious talk and twist the Scriptures to support unbiblical initiatives. For example, while wooing votes from concerned citizens, leaders will express their religious convictions and quote the Bible, but when the cameras are off they’ll vote for partial-birth abortion and against protecting babies who survive late-term abortions. Judge what they do, rather than what they say.
They’ll also use “love your neighbor” to validate sin. “If you truly love someone,” they say, “you won’t disagree with them.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, we must extend compassion but without compromise. Warning, confronting, challenging, advising, and admonishing are all characteristic of genuine love. Parents, for example, warn, confront, challenge, and admonish daily. Truly misled or self-serving individuals would wrongly attribute these traits to “hate-speech.”
This is why President Trump is supported by so many Christians. His policies line up with Scripture. I’m not too worried about mean Tweets, but I’m extremely worried about burning babies to death via saline abortions or by removing them from the womb limb by limb. I’m not as concerned about harsh statements as I am about the harsh treatment of children via sex trafficking, something that the left is almost silent on—unless you consider Kamala Harris’ support for legalizing prostitution, which would certainly bring a massive increase in the already staggering numbers of children being trafficked. This election is not about two different men, but two different Americas.
For instance, why didn’t any Democrat legislator vote to confirm the highly qualified Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett? Because she adheres to God’s Word and does not embrace their narrative. Not for any lack of qualification, but merely for political gain. What a tragedy. Gone are the days of voting for qualified candidates. This is clearly a spiritual battle.