Christians: Stand for Life, Traditional Marriage—It’s in the Bible by JIM GARLOW for Charisma News
Editor’s Note: This is part three of a three-part series by Dr. Jim Garlow in which he compares biblical principles with recent announcements by Pope Francis and some evangelical leaders. Click here to read part one, and find part two here.
In preparation for election 2020, certain elitist evangelicals began to contrive all types of rationalizations for voting for a candidate who supports the killing of babies in the womb.
Their lines? “You are not pro-life. You are only pro-birth.” That is profoundly dishonest.
Consider Tim Keller’s puzzling Facebook post, which stated that although abortion is evil, we are not told in the Bible how to stop it. That is bizarre. It’s actually quite simple: Vote for candidates who will stop it.
We figured that out regarding slavery. Why wouldn’t the same apply for abortion?
Then there was the article last week by John Piper that in essence stated that since Trump is prideful, his boastfulness is a sin comparable with abortion, thus one does not need to vote for Trump, the obvious pro-life candidate.
Piper’s exact quote was, “And I think it is baffling and presumptuous to assume that pro-abortion policies kill more people than a culture-saturating, pro-self pride.”
That reasoning is treasonous to truth. Ask the 60 million babies who have been dismembered by abortion—with no anesthesia—if they are more bothered by the president’s brashness than their own painful, needless deaths.
If the murdered babies could be polled, this demographic—the 60 million—would be 100% supportive of President Trump and his attempt to end the slaughter.
The result is The Forming Coalition. Traditional Catholics are partnering with true evangelicals, whom I call “ABC.” ABC means “Authentically Biblical Christians,” as I am uncertain if the once-glorious term “evangelical” can be redeemed.
Civil Unions
And while we are discussing the pope’s approval of “same-sex civil unions,” let it be noted that in virtually every country where “civil unions” begin, same-sex “marriage” is demanded next. That is always the case.
And if you are going to grant “civil unions,” you eventually have no legal grounds to deny same-sex “marriage.” Some rather uninformed Christians contend that we, as believers, should not expect unbelievers to follow the same rules. After all, they say, “Sinners are supposed to be sinners.” So, we ought to affirm “same-sex unions.”
If that logic is accurate, then we should not expect unbelievers to follow other “rules,” and we should abandon the laws of murder, theft and a host of other prohibitions.
The Real Issue
As one who has worked extensively in the defense of one man-one woman marriage, it is obvious that the radical homosexual agendists do not care about marriage. How do we know that? When so-called homosexual “marriage” was finally legal for the first time in the U.S., one would have thought there would have been a pent-up demand for such “weddings.”