A Biblical View on Borders, Socialism, and Healthcare

A Biblical View on Borders, Socialism, and Healthcare

People are often left confused after elections: “How could they vote for so-and-so? I just don’t understand.” Many vote for candidates who don’t uphold a biblical worldview because they don’t know God themselves. They are choosing their own ways over God’s ways—“everyone did what was right in their own sight” and “a generation arose after them who did not know the LORD” (Judges 17:6; 21:25; 2:10 NKJV). Ignorance of God and His ways is fueling a culture devoid of wisdom.

Much of the division in our nation centers around a biblical worldview or a lack thereof. Students of Scripture understand that God uses governmental leaders to accomplish His purposes and plans. There is always a fight; the tides of evil will continuously wash against the shores of hope and peace. Silence is not an option. We can no longer hide behind the excuse “I don’t want to get involved.” As citizens, we are given the privilege, for now, to place people in positions of leadership. Whether we like it or not, we are involved.

The president is not “pastor in chief”; he is “commander in chief.” Many are confused because they don’t understand the role of government. The institution of government was created by God to govern mankind—to protect and defend and to administer justice. We can’t legislate morality, but we can restrain evil and deter wrongdoing. The real question is “whose” morality prevails? But many say, “I’m not voting for the lesser of two evils.” This statement is often used by those who want to remain silent, but it’s a flawed argument. We are actually voting for principles, not people—all candidates are sinners. “In what direction will they lead our country?” is the question we should be asking. Even more importantly, what country will we leave for our children? Let’s look at three crucial areas:

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Borders: I feel for illegal immigrants needing aid; it’s the Church’s responsibility to help others, but when it comes to the government, the role is quite different. This is why we cannot apply many of Jesus’s teachings, such as “turning the other cheek,” to the institution of government. Contextually, Jesus was referring to personal affronts and insults, not to the administration of justice. One of the primary purposes of government is to protect the nation: “defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic” (refer to Romans 13:1-7.)

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