The Big Why and Other Observations by Zen Gardner for Activist Post
This is a hot button question that continually lurks behind the scenes of life’s garish activity and all of its ongoing drama.
It touches on free will, purpose and meaning, and all kinds of deeply philosophical issues. Yet it is a very simple, everyday question any conscious being asks continually within this reactive matrix we call human consciousness. All of which is inside this evolving and often seemingly devolving experience we call life.
Who’s to say what “direction” things should go?
Such questions are a pervading angst on so many levels.
Is there a reason, a meaning, a purpose to anything, immediate or even deeply remote to what we call life?
Never mind for the day to day madness that’s unfolding before our eyes?
It really is a time of opportunity.
Stay with me here. This is tough stuff to try to articulate.
The Meaning of Meaning
Whatever we think we are is always there looking for meaning. Reason and purpose are right on its heels, along with the big underlying question of “why?”
The way bigger question is, who is it that’s asking?
That’s the whopper if we’re willing to go there. If we don’t get that one, all bets are off and we’re trying to perceive things in a primordial soup of mental relativity. We assume self is one thing, the programmed sense of a continual self and reinforced identity, by ourselves as well as our environment.
But is that an illusory perception?
From “just because it is” to the religious default of “it’s God’s plan”, many foundational understandings are much closer to the truth than we realize. They default to “isness”, which escapes the rational mind. Lao Tzu had many mind-stopping things to say about this. Heck, even the Bible says that the supposed God said when asked about his name, “I am that I am.” Clearly derived from earlier teachings.
Profound realities have their way of surfacing. This mind blowing point is found throughout all great teachings.
Things just are. The implied powerlessness of such a simple realization is overwhelming to the ego driven self.
I say good. Deal with it. Head on. That fake self stuff is what’s making such a mess here.
But that’s all part of it too. Nothing is outside of the all pervading “what is”. A tremendous relief to realize. In fact, in that understanding there is no “awake” or “unawake”, despite the polarity of the informational field and the endless treadmill of so-called spirituality. We are where we are.
If you hunger for more, get there.
But I have to warn you, as was wisely said, “The way out is realizing you were never in it.”
Today’s Whirled
Let’s look at today. In my opinion, humanity is being given an opportunity to transcend the bullshit on every level. As the world structure falls apart, much is being revealed. And there’s plenty of time to think about it now.
Whether consciously or subconsciously, or be it so-called deeply intellectual or within the free-for-all of so-called spirituality and belief systems, that big question of “why” looms.
Not so much the how, which we find fascinating to track thinking we can change things – but the “why” is always implied.
As if there has to be a reason. That immediately alludes to a structural form of thinking within the very box from which the “other” is attempting to perceive outside of.
That’s not possible. It’s a closed loop.
Yet we can somehow perceive otherwise – that there’s something more profound going on.
Therein is the key.
This I feel is a time many are approaching deeper questions arising within them. Hence the clinging to religious and otherwise beliefs, or perhaps exploring other perspectives as they arise in awareness.
This is a healthy process, as all processes are. Creation arising in whatever form or circumstance is what’s going on, continually. Only now a great space or pause has been imposed upon humanity to reflect, as well as react.
And most of all, watch them both.
That’s where the cool stuff kicks in.
Who’s watching?
Cause and Effect
To the plethora of historical trackers and research adherents this means a lot; cause and inevitable effect, tracking the story in some sort of quest. But all of this is only true on a timeline of events. The predictable unfolding that’s led up to today’s condition is clear, yet few seem to notice, to the frustration of the trackers.
We may think we know “why” in both scenarios, how it came to pass as well as the acquiescent reaction.
As you know, there are reams of “information” and apparent reasons for both causes and effects. The human mind is fascinated by these.
My question here is; is that the real issue at hand?
How can we proceed if we don’t even know who or what we are?
Tricked by the Programming
This reactivity is a natural programmed reflex. We tend to see things two dimensionally. Action/reaction. All of it is extremely deterministic and by default gives the “game” over to the aggressor. Whoever calls the shots wins in such a board game.
Animated and reinforced, and hence made possible by willing participants.
That’s just how the game works.
Chess, Anyone?
The so-called opponent, as well as those being oppressed by the aggressor, are then forced into a paradigm of fight or acquiesce. If there is a social “tide” that rises to repel such affronts, as happens within small groups and large, balance can be had.
For a time. Then it goes wonky again. It’s bound to. Any real lasting “solution” can only be had by transcendent non participation that comes as a natural state when real liberation occurs.
That, or the oppressors so overplay their hand that the whole game board blows up and we start over.
It’s something like that. Maybe. I’m just observing patterns. I don’t know how this works here any more that you do. But here we are trying to “make sense” of it all.
The thing is, we have the capacity to transcend all of this by simply operating from our natural state derived from rediscovering our true, innate nature.
Not an individual attainment of any kind. Simply aligning with that which is living through us. The great I Am, if you will.
Nothing touches that.
There meaning, purpose and everything we’re so attached to dissolve and we see the illusory game for what it is.
There’s wonderful comfort and peace there. And it never ends.
It’s simply what is living through us – and everything. No “sides”. no right and wrong.
I know, tough to wrap the head around.
Guess what? That head can’t wrap around nada, zip, zilch. That’s where the problem lies.
Conscious bypass surgery comes to mind.
It happens.
What Role Truth? Back to the Why
This ongoing struggle is a remarkable phenomenon. Why life has to be combative in the first place is another big “why”. Hence my theme here.
Not just what’s going on, but why? Haven’t we seen this movie before?
We have to look deeper. There’s great peace, comfort and joy to be found, no matter the circumstances.