Can’t Pray for President Trump? Try This Prayer

Can’t Pray for President Trump? Try This Prayer by J. LEE GRADY for Charisma News

I didn’t agree with all of President Obama’s policies when he was in the White House, but I prayed for him regularly because 1) he was my president for eight years, and 2) I’m a Christian, so I try to follow God’s Word. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says believers should pray “for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty.”

Since the 2016 election I’ve also prayed for President Trump. He’s my president. I don’t agree with everything he does or says (or everything he tweets), but I have his photo in my visual prayer list on my phone. I pray for him almost daily for wisdom, God’s divine guidance and protection—and mostly for peace and justice to prevail in our nation during his term in office.

I got very sad last week when I heard people’s vile reactions to the news that President Trump and his wife had tested positive for COVID-19. Responses on social media ranged from “I hope he dies” to “Trump is making the world worse by existing.” Some people even wrote on Twitter that they hoped all of the president’s cabinet members would get infected and die.

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The online hatred was so severe that Twitter’s monitors had to issue a warning that they would remove posts “that wish or hope for death, serious bodily harm or fatal disease against anyone.” The situation reminded me of comedian Kathy Griffin, who was fired from CNN in 2017 after she posted a photo of herself holding up a mock severed head of President Trump.

I wasn’t shocked by Kathy Griffin’s shameless stunt. But I have been surprised to learn that many Christians actually refuse to pray for President Trump. When one Biden-supporting evangelical leader asked people to pray for Trump, regardless of his political positions, several Christians responded by saying “I think I’ll pass” or “I just can’t do that.”

And a few even sounded happy that Trump had been infected, posting comments like, “Good. Maybe this will teach him that this virus is not a hoax,” or “Maybe this will make him think about the 200,000 people he killed with this virus.” I expect cold-hearted comments like that from unbelievers, but not from people who have experienced the love of God.

Thankfully our president seems to have had only a mild case of COVID-19, and he is already recovering. Mainstream journalists seem disappointed that he didn’t end up on a ventilator. I think they really did want Trump to die. But is that the attitude Christians should have? We need to be reminded of Proverbs 24:17 (NIV), which says: “Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice.”

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