Mom tells harrowing story of how LGBT movement helped destroy her family

Mom tells harrowing story of how LGBT movement helped destroy her family By Mass Resistance via Life Site News

GNN Note – It’s never enough – we just want to be recognized…we just want equal rights…we just want to get married…we just want to adopt children…we just want to introduce your children to drag queens…we just want pedophilia to be legalized. It never, ever stops. #END

This truly ugly story underlines the deep malice the LGBT movement has for husbands, wives, families, children, and healthy sexuality.

Editor’s note: MassResistance ran this interview in its full form on August 13, 2020. 

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Most people are told about the “transgender” movement through the rose-colored lens of the mainstream media and the “social justice” push in schools, colleges, corporations, government, and even the medical establishment. Almost every day, new laws are passed or court rulings are announced that further accommodate it and punish those who disagree. And the political correctness supporting it gets ever more severe.

But almost no one hears about the terrible damage this sexual perversion and mental health disorder causes for virtually all the people it touches. This testimony will help fill that void.

Joined by local MassResistance parents who are outraged by transgender
“Drag Queens” coming to local libraries, Tracy leads a press conference at
City Hall in Austin, Texas.

Since 2018, Tracy Shannon, our Texas MassResistance Chapter leader, has been fighting to expose and put an end to the destructive LGBT agenda in her state. Her efforts to unmask and undo “Drag Queen Story Hour” in Houston, and later throughout the rest of the country, have gained considerable attention, not just in the U.S. but around the world.

What many may not know about Tracy, however, is that she and her children have been severely harmed by the LGBT movement. Her tragic story explains how one of our best activists has been motivated to accomplish her wonderful work to help protect others from this monstrous movement.

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