Treason? Money Laundering? Global Shake Downs? Corruption?: Tony Bobulinski Provides the Details About the Biden Family Legacy by Rory for The Daily Coin
Be prepared for a deep dive into the inner workings of the absolute criminal behavior on a global scale conducted, overseen and 100% approved by former Vice President Joe Biden, his brother Jim and his son Hunter. As an added bonus all the banking transactions for the deepest of the crimes was handled by….wait for it…JPMorgan / Chase. Imagine that, wherever there is a financial crime, JP Morgan is there! JP Morgan is here to serve the criminal elite and their gangster friends.
The more this story goes the deeper the rabbit hole goes, while all along the trail Mr. Bobulinski continually reminds the world he is only interested in clearing his name and his families name. According to Mr Bobulinski he has moved his family and they are being protected by former Seal Team members. Death threats have he and his family on the move.
Sit back listen carefully and share far and wide.
As soon as someone copies this to BitChute we will replace the video below as we feel confident google will remove it.