Why You Should Always Reach for God’s Best

Why You Should Always Reach for God’s Best by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News

God loves to mark every believer’s life with divine heavenly encounters. As we seek the Lord, we discover new facets of His nature and experience new levels of His glory.

We aren’t made to stay stagnant in our spiritual lives, but we’re called to go deeper and deeper with Jesus so we can truly walk in His love and power. There is always more to explore and discover in God!

We’ll never exhaust His unlimited nature and resources. Our heavenly Father loves when we seek Him earnestly to know Him more and He loves even more to pour Himself out on us.

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On the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, I speak with my longtime friend Josh Naylor about four pivotal encounters he had with the Lord that radically shifted his life and empowered him deeper into God’s calling.

Once we get saved, it is a glorious miracle of God for our spirits to awaken and our hearts to know Him. Josh experienced this beautiful rebirth at a very young age. But it took him till his young adult years to fully surrender to Jesus and His will for his life. Once surrender happened, God marked Josh and sent him off to Bible school where we met.

As you listen to today’s episode of Awaken Podcast, you’ll find out how God supernaturally touched Josh at a conference, which unleashed the prophetic gift inside him and caused him to live in holy joy and freedom. You’ll also learn how the Holy Spirit immersed Josh in the revelation of the Father which set him free from all performance and striving.

Jesus died for all of us to experience all of Him. You have an extraordinary destiny in Jesus and, on this episode, you’ll be encouraged and inspired not to settle for less than God’s best for you.

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