Franklin Graham, evangelicals condemn Pope Francis’ support for gay civil unions

Franklin Graham, evangelicals condemn Pope Francis’ support for gay civil unions By Doug Mainwaring for Life Site News

GNN Note – As hard as the satanic globalist attempt to tell us “it’s normal” – it is not normal nor is it Biblical. Needless to say we support Franklin Graham’s stance on this issue. #END

‘I find these comments from the Pope unthinkable in light of the Word of God,’ said Franklin Graham.

Pope Francis’ pronouncement seemingly supporting the legalization of homosexual civil unions has not only caused confusion and recoil among many Catholics. It also invited criticism from Protestant leaders who see him departing from Bible truths.

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“The news has reported that Pope Francis said in a new documentary that ‘homosexuals have a right to be part of the family’ and is calling for civil union laws for same-sex couples,” noted Evangelist Franklin Graham, son of the late Rev. Billy Graham. “I find these comments from the Pope unthinkable in light of the Word of God.”

“For Pope Francis to attempt to normalize homosexuality is to say that Holy Scriptures are false, that our sins really don’t matter, and that we can continue living in them,” said Graham in a Facebook post. “If that were true, then Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection wouldn’t have been needed. The cross would have been for nothing. No one has the right or the authority to trivialize Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf.”

Graham continued:

Yes, God makes it clear that He loves us and does want us to be part of His family, but He also tells us how that can happen. The Bible says, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19).

I want everyone to know the truth and to find the peace that comes only from fully surrendering our lives to Him and His commands. The consequence of an unrepentant, unbelieving heart is also clear in the Word of God — eternal death. Unless we repent and receive His offer of forgiveness, surrendering our lives to Him, we will spend eternity as part of a different family when we leave this earth — the family of the condemned.

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