Why Are We Divided? A Response to John Piper’s Article: Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin Shane Idleman
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Let me begin by saying that I have the utmost respect for John Piper; he has helped me grow spiritually over the years. I recommend his podcast on a regular basis. This is not an article rebuking his critique of politics (we need that now and then); it’s an article designed to bring clarity. Iron sharpening iron.
In my opinion, failure to recognize diverse gifts may explain why many people are divided on the issue of religion and politics. For instance, John MacArthur, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, John Piper, and so on have different ministries, but all fall under the umbrella of Christian service. God creates, within each of us, varying desires, talents, and levels of interests. If God has called a man to preach and teach His Word, that will be his passion. If God has called a Christian to pursue politics, that will be his or her passion, and so on.
Problems arise when we become judgmental and fail to respect differences. Activists should not expect everyone to share their passion for politics, and those who believe Christians should stay out of politics must understand that God clearly calls some Christians to the political arena. God established the concept of government, why would He not desire godly leadership? Here is a quick clip on why we can talk about political hot buttons.
The fact that the Drudge Report ran the headline: Prominent pastor warns evangelicals of Trump’s ‘nation-corrupting’ sins…, demonstrates how the left is trying to divide us and send the wrong message to America.
I appreciate John’s heart when he wrote: “With a cheerful smile, I will explain to my unbelieving neighbor why my allegiance to Jesus set me at odds with death — death by abortion and death by arrogance,” but I’m confused at how an arrogant tweet or bravado from our President, for example, can be compared to partial-birth abortion where an unborn baby’s body is delivered feet first, often near full term, until only the head remains inside the womb. The physician then punctures the back of the child’s skull with a sharp instrument and removes the child’s brains before delivering the dead baby. John, what I’m missing? There is no Plan B. Aren’t we called to defend the weak and the fatherless even if that defense comes through an imperfect person?
When Piper writes: “It is naive to think that a man can be effectively pro-life and manifest consistently the character traits that lead to death — temporal and eternal,” I believe that we may be missing an important point here: When it comes to God’s judgment, one man’s character is not going to balance the scale with 60-million slaughtered children weighed on the opposite end along with our failure to stop this horrific practice.
Piper continues: “Christians communicate a falsehood to unbelievers (who are also baffled!) when we act as if policies and laws that protect life and freedom are more precious than being a certain kind of person.” But we all recognize that Trump is not perfect . . . we can simply look in the mirror to validate this truth, but is he improving, learning, and growing? Is he looking out for the American people according to Romans 13? He is not a pastor; he is the President.