Why Communism is Compelled to Destroy Christianity

Why Communism is Compelled to Destroy Christianity By Judith Acosta for American Thinker

Most people today see the division in our country as a political one. But, in my mind, that particular divide is a puny pixel in a vast screen. For it is not a mere ideological clash between parties, but a mythic battle between Spiritual Titans.


Because it is not so much a difference of policy as it is an existential face-off.

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Because what America was built on, the bones of our civilization—God, grace, charity, liberty, individualism and self-governance, opportunity over guarantee, free will—are the counterpoints to everything communist.

Because in order for the left to win the heart of America, it must defeat Christianity and Judaism. Completely.

How are they doing this? By lying. By cultivating vines with no fruit. By promising what they can never deliver. By offering wet sand to the thirsty. And by counting on our sloth in the face of outright deception.

There are many lies, as many of you know better than I, but these are the Titanic Deceptions as far as Judeo-Christian civilization is concerned.

Deception #1

Man can and must attain salvation by himself. This is the essence of the communist platform, which preaches that humans are alone in the universe and it’s up to us to do whatever needs to be done. Thus, the party leaders promise empowerment but deliver us to be disemboweled by the impossibility of the task. The self-esteem that communism mandates is a fragile illusion when you have no God, no eternal purpose, when all you are is a random, accidental sack of cells and bones. In Judaism and Christianity, we were never created to be alone. We are all partners with a God Who loves us, sustains us and empowers us. This partnership must be erased if the state’s dependency programs are to proceed.

Deception #2

A subset of Deception #1 is the obviously ridiculous belief that humanity is perfectible by itself; we just need the right systems in place. In Christianity and Judaism, human nature is bifurcated and flawed. We are all born equally fallen with chips in our souls. All we have to do is look at human history to see how truly ridiculous this deception is. We can make things better, yes, but perfect? I have seen no evidence of this anywhere.

Deception #3

In communism, death, disease, and poverty would be completely avoidable if the state just provided the proper programs, mandated vaccination, utilized the government for food distribution, provided abortion on demand, etc…

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