Birds Of The Air…

Birds Of The Air… The gifts that reign down from our Father can not be understated. We are blessed beyond measure and should desire to make much about spreading His good Word through the reflection of Him in us. A few weeks ago the sounds in my ears were that of city life – sirens several times a day, airplanes overhead, barking dogs, traffic, gun-shot, people being people creating the noise we are create in our daily lives, it was constant and rarely quiet. Today, when the window is open,…


15 Shelf Stable Foods To Stock Up On Now

15 Shelf Stable Foods To Stock Up On Now by SARA TIPTON for Ready Nutrition As winter approaches, finishing touches should be made to our winter preps. To help make sure we have what we may need in the event of a major power outage, snowstorm, or another emergency, store some shelf-stable foods to make sure you have enough to eat. As winter approaches, finishing touches should be made to our winter preps. Many of these food types were covered extensively in The Prepper’s Cookbook, but it’s important to have the…


Conservatism Disappearing From Campus

Conservatism Disappearing From Campus by Pennel Bird for Liberty Nation Harvard survey shows just 7% of college freshman identify as conservative. Esteemed law professor Jonathan Turley recently laid bare the wildly disproportionate numbers of students who self-identify conservative, Republican, libertarian, or right-leaning versus those who see themselves as liberals, Democrats, or progressives. Citing the Harvard Crimson’s survey of incoming, newly enrolled college freshman, Turley reports that 72.4% of them identify as “very liberal” or “somewhat liberal.” In comparison, just 7.4% assert they are either “very conservative” or “somewhat conservative.” And with rising intolerance…


Common herbal plants like holy basil leaf and sesame seed have therapeutic effects against inflammation

Common herbal plants like holy basil leaf and sesame seed have therapeutic effects against inflammation By Evangelyn Rodriguez for Prevention Inflammation has been linked by many studies to the development of chronic diseases. Under normal circumstances, inflammation facilitates the elimination of pathogens and promotes tissue repair and recovery. But depending on the severity of this immune response and whether it is local or systemic, inflammation can trigger metabolic and neuroendocrine changes. These changes enable the body to conserve energy and divert more nutrients to the immune system while it deals with the…


No War On Christianity – Boy Told to Remove Cross For School Photo, Muslim Students Allowed to Keep Hijabs

No War On Christianity – Boy Told to Remove Cross For School Photo, Muslim Students Allowed to Keep Hijabs by CHRIS TOMLINSON for Breitbart GNN Note – Keep sitting there doing nothing and these satanic globalist will take it all and wipe out Christianity to the point that people completely forget that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. #END A Swedish teen claims to have been forced to remove his cross necklace for a school photograph in case it offended others, while Muslim students were allowed to wear their…


A Quick Reminder of How Venezuela RAN OUT of Food: Does This Look Familiar?

A Quick Reminder of How Venezuela RAN OUT of Food: Does This Look Familiar? by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper We’d all like to believe that the United States is on the road to economic recovery and that things are going to get better. Everyone wants to think the store shelves are just a few cargo ships away from being refilled. People want to believe that once 2020 is over, life will return to “normal” and that we’re just having a really bad year. But someone pointed out an…


Study Shows Significant Link Between Mercury and Autism

Study Shows Significant Link Between Mercury and Autism by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola The controversy over whether mercury overexposure can trigger autism is a long-standing one. A new meta-analysis of previous studies sheds much needed light on the matter, concluding there’s a “significant relationship” between the two. The review,1,2 published in the September 2020 issue of Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, looked at 18 studies conducted between 1982 and 2019 that examined the relationship between concentrations of copper, lead or mercury in blood, plasma, hair or nails and the prevalence of…