Massive DC prayer march sees Franklin Graham, thousands pray for healing of nation

Massive DC prayer march sees Franklin Graham, thousands pray for healing of nation By Doug Mainwaring for Life Site News

Vice President Mike Pence made an appearance, urging the crowd of 50,000 to pray for public servants.

Tens of thousands of people poured into the nation’s capital from all corners of the country on Saturday to join evangelist Franklin Graham and other Christian leaders to pray and repent on behalf of the nation and ask God to heal divisions and strife.

Vice President Mike Pence with his wife, Karen, by his side made a surprise appearance, urging the crowd of 50,000 to pray for those who serve in every branch of the government, especially those in law enforcement and the military:

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And when you pray, pray with confidence.  As we stand today on an ancient promise that Americans have claimed throughout our history, that if His people, who are called by His Name, will humble themselves and pray, and turn, He’ll do like He’s always done —through much more challenging times in the life of this nation— He’ll hear from heaven, and heal this land; This one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

“Today, at this Washington Prayer March, you continue a great American tradition,” said the vice president. “Since the founding of our nation the American people and our leaders have gone to prayer in challenging times.”

“George Washington prayed for the leaders and the people of our states, what he called ‘an earnest prayer,’ that God would hold them and our states in His holy protection,” recounted Pence.

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