With Authority and Dominance The Lions Mane Shakes: Prophetic Vision by Joe Joe Dawson Ministries
The Lord recently gave me a powerful prophetic vision in a corporate prayer meeting. In the vision, I saw a large beautiful, male lion. The lion was laying down, staring straight ahead. Then the lion stood, did a small stretch and then shook his mane. After he shook his mane, he let out a roar and started walking forward with purpose. As I continued to pray, I saw the vision again and again. Each time, the vision was the same and the lion would always shake his mane.
When I got home, I did some research about why a lion may shake his mane. I discovered that a lion will shake his mane right before he was going to move forward or roar! When a lion shakes his mane, he is showing every creature that may be around him his authority and dominance.
I believe this vision was a prophetic picture for the body of Christ in this hour. The lion is about to shake his mane and let out a roar that will shake the nations! God is on the move and when the lion of the tribe of Judah shakes His mane, He will not be stopped as He moves forward! This is the Hebrew year of 5780, the year of the mouth. This is the year of the roar!
In this season, the enemy has attempted to divide us in any and every way that He can. The enemy has tried to isolate the body of Christ by attempting to keep us from gathering to worship. He has also tried to divide us between political parties, point of view, and race. The enemy knows the power of unity, this is why he attempts to bring division. I believe God wants to multiply us in this season, not divide us! Under the umbrella of the Kingdom of God all division loses its power. When God roars, the power struggle ends and we all see who is really in charge. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is getting ready to let out a roar that will strike fear in every principality and power that may try to oppose Him! I believe God will reveal Himself to us in this season as a mighty lion, full of power and with all dominion! My friends, the lion of the tribe of Judah is standing up and when the lion shakes His mane, God is about to release a roar in the earth! The roar of the Kingdom of God will bring evil systems and false religious structures down.