Seditious AOC tells Americans to take to the streets, “radicalize and fight” as Trump, GOP Senate consider Ginsburg’s successor by: JD Heyes for Natural News
According to Che Guevara protege and ‘Democratic socialist’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the U.S. Supreme Court seat just vacated with the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg belongs to her and her fellow left-wing ‘revolutionaries.’
It doesn’t belong to the American people and is not subject to the processes proscribed by the Constitution for the replacement of high court justices.
That seat and, presumably any other Supreme Court seat that is vacated while President Donald Trump is in the White House and the Senate is controlled by Republicans, belongs to ‘the revolution.’ ‘The movement.’ The radical left.
And if they don’t get it then, by golly, Americans should riot. Or something like that.
In a video to her 6.6 million Instagram followers, “AOC” told them to “radicalize and fight” following Ginsburg’s death on Friday, which now presents Trump with his third high court pick following the appointments of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
@AoC told her followers 20 minutes ago that they must radicalize and fight.
It’s on folks
— Pete (@peterordinary) September 19, 2020
“Let this moment radicalize you,” she said. “Let this moment really put everything into stark focus. Because this election has always been about the fight of and for our lives.”
“I need you to be ready,” she added.
Wow, what a little Hugo Chavez wannabe this woman is; ready for what, exactly?
And who, exactly, is being deprived of “justice?”
Oh, we know who she means; it’s the same song-and-dance on the left. Minorities, “persons of color,” the poor, the deprived, etc. — all the people Democrat leftists like her have turned into victims…for decades.
Only, there are really tens of millions of Americans who have yet to get justice after Barack Obama and the deep state he aligned with tried to steal the 2016 election from Donald Trump and then attempted to depose him time and again after he won.
Also, we don’t yet have any justice for Hillary Clinton who is, perhaps, the most prolific unindicted criminal conspirator in the history of our nation.
“It is heartbreaking that in her final moments she was, as are many others, preoccupied with what would happen after her passing” — before telling her followers hours later to radicalize and fight,” she would go on to tweet.
“No president is the answer,” the New York lawmaker continued. “You are the answer. Mass movements are the answer.”
“Voting for Joe Biden is not about whether you agree with him. It’s a vote to let our democracy live another day,” AOC further claimed. “Our first, no 1 priority is to do everything possible to secure electoral college victory in Nov.”
Ocasio-Cortez said she jumped on the live video to address those grieving the loss of Ginsburg and who were “scared” about the future. She spoke for about 40 minutes about the gravity of the vacancy and how important it was to keep up the fight for Democrats to win in November.
She alluded to Joe Biden’s unpopularity among progressives who preferred that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., be the party’s nominee, but said November is about survival.
“We need to focus on voting for Joe Biden. I don’t care if you like him or not,” Ocasio-Cortez told her supporters.
Translated, that means a) Biden isn’t Trump, the ‘orange fascist’; and b) Biden is the vassal she and her radical leftists will use to continue Obama’s ‘fundamental transformation’ of our country into one giant Cuba or Venezuela.
But there’s more, and you can take those to the bank: If Biden does not ‘deliver’ the revolution (defund the police; pack the Supreme Court with left-wing judicial activists; abolish punishment for most crimes; teach revolution in all schools, etc.), AOC and her Bernie Bros will turn on the former VP like Antifa anarchists have turned on far-left mayors in cities all over the country.
She is saying this: ‘We are not ‘Democrats,’ we are Marxist revolutionaries who will use the Democratic Party to our advantage, until it is no longer useful.’
Sedition, anyone?