Prophecy Is Not a Morning Horoscope by DR. STEVE GREENE for Charisma News
Crystal balls have a certain allure. There is within us a desire to see the future, to know what might happen today, tomorrow or in November.
Astrologers and palm readers make a living as impromptu fiction writers. But they are imposters with a developed skill, not a gift, to write fast fiction on demand.
The Old Testament prophets heard the voice of God in their time. Their prophetic warnings often changed the course of events or provided clear guidance. When they cried out, “Thus sayeth the Lord,” pushback rarely came from the hearers.
Sure, there were false prophets who bellowed their personal agendas, but most were easily discerned and dispatched. There was one true litmus test to the prophetic, and the test still applies today. In a recent Greenelines podcast, Jennifer Eivaz spoke about the prophetic and her book Prophetic Secrets.
“After the Holy Spirit fell in Acts Chapter 2, we began to see elements of the prophetic instantly emerge. And so, we’ve had prophecy ever since. And I think it’s an amazing fact that we all can hear God’s voice; we can all step into that. We can actually say what He’s saying,” Jennifer says.
“The prophetic is not like a horoscope. You see those fluffy, positive words that kind of sound a bit spiritual with a spiritual edge to it … [But with true prophecy] there’s a resonance on it, there’s a felt resonance. There’s an anointing on it, there’s a sword edge on it. And when those words are released, they begin to do what God intended to do,” she said.
The anointing breaks the yoke. When God anoints His servants, they speak as led by the Holy Spirit. They hear His voice first, then flow in the release of the prophetic. Eivaz spoke of the importance of submission by the prophet.