The power of kindness: an Iranian Christian’s journey to faith by Farifteh V Robb for Christian Today
Whenever anyone asks me “how did you meet Jesus Christ?”, my answer is always: “I didn’t seek him—he sought me!”
I was a dutiful child of Muslim parents who was initially attracted to Christianity after wandering into a Catholic church and being spellbound by its beauty and sanctified atmosphere.
By the age of twelve I had read and re-read the New Testament and the Book of Common Prayer from cover to cover late at night by the light of a torch under my bed covers.
I had already encountered Jesus in the Koran where he is not called the Son of God, but he was indeed born of a Virgin and named as the Messiah. I loved all the Koranic stories relating to him, and pondered on the mystery that surrounded him. Who was this sinless and totally loveable man? Where did he get his authority?
I was not moved by Muslim prayers, even though I tried my best, and Islam didn’t respond to my deep-seated need for a very personal relationship with God in the way that Christ did.
My first practical experience of living by Christ’s example was revealed during my first Christmas at Nottingham University. On Christmas Eve, the Methodist chaplain came knocking on doors, asking whether anyone wished to take up the offer of Christmas lunch with local parishioners. I said I was Muslim and that we didn’t celebrate Christmas, but his reply was that his church welcomed foreign students of any religion, or none.
Through that encounter, I met many generous members of his Methodist congregation, all of whom welcomed me warmly into their church and were kindness personified. My experience of their particular brand of Christian faith, and their infinite care, fellowship, and support while I was a student and beyond, left a deep and lasting impression.