Words Matter – ‘Died From’ or ‘Died With’ COVID — It Makes a Difference

Words Matter – ‘Died From’ or ‘Died With’ COVID — It Makes a Difference from Mercola

GNN Note – The “pandemic” is over. If you don’t believe me, please visit the CDC and review the charts regarding the number of people being hospitalized and the number of people dying. The Number of new “cases” is meaningless – it literally means nothing to the situation we are dealing with. # END

There’s been a lot of confusion over whether or not reported death statistics reflect those who died FROM COVID-19, or those who’ve died WITH the virus.

The numbers for the COVID-19 death toll reported every day by state and federal governments are often used, alongside case numbers, to assess how public health policies are faring in controlling the pandemic, and to gauge the success of various interventions or drugs. But the COVID-19 death toll publicized daily in some countries, such as the Australian state and territory government websites, does not differentiate between the two. Those numbers include all people who’ve died of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) in their body.

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Clarifying what’s being counted as a COVID-19 death is necessary for understanding the impact of the virus, and for informing public health and clinical responses to the pandemic, yet lumping the statistics together makes it hard for the public to understand the true impact of the virus.

The lack of nuance in the death tally means the true death rate may be unknown, and may have to be adjusted in the future.

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