Big Pharma lies about vitamin C to keep people sick with cancer… while reaping huge profits from toxic cancer treatments by: Cassie B. for Natural News
Vitamin C may have gotten a bit of buzz as the coronavirus pandemic ramped up, but the truth is that this wonder vitamin is often ignored by conventional medicine and the media. However, it can’t be a coincidence that most people who suffer from a chronic degenerative disease are deficient in vitamin C and that lots of cancer patients have been helped by high doses of vitamin C delivered intravenously over the years.
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling and Scottish cancer surgeon Dr. Ewan Cameron have shown how 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C delivered intravenously reversed cancer in several patients who conventional medicine couldn’t help – and that was 40 years ago. You would think this treatment would be in wide use today, but the truth is that Western medicine tries to push cancer patients toward pricey chemotherapy instead.
Sadly, there are lots of lies being spread online and within the medical community about vitamin C, and some of them are hurting cancer patients. Here is a look at three big mischaracterizations about vitamin C identified by Natural Health 365.
1. Vitamin C is unsafe.
If vitamin C is unsafe, why is it that there has never been a confirmed report of any dose of vitamin causing an individual significant harm? The evidence against prescription medications is far more serious, with 106,000 patients dying in hospitals in 1994 alone from legally prescribed medications that were used under careful supervision.
2. There’s no evidence vitamin C works.
Ask anyone who tells you this if they have actually looked for any studies to back up this belief. They’re not too hard to find – in fact, there are more than 60,000 results when you search for vitamin C studies in PubMed. Some studies have shown a 100 percent success rate using the vitamin to treat illnesses like shingles, rheumatic fever and even polio. To act like this is not the case is extremely irresponsible.
3. If it worked so well, everyone would be using it.
It would be great if everyone who needed it was actually able to take it and be healed. Unfortunately, many doctors simply don’t know how it works, and many are more interested in pushing more profitable prescriptions on their patients. Dr. Thomas E. Levy has said that he has personally witnessed hundreds of what he called “medical miracles” from the use of vitamin C in high doses, and other doctors who have tried the treatment report similar successes.
Quiet support for vitamin C
You don’t have to look too far back to find new examples of how vitamin C can help cancer patients. A recent study by scientists from the University of Southern California showed that fasting could be more effective at treating certain types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, when it is combined with vitamin C. The study’s senior author, Valter Longo, said they showed for the first time how a completely non-toxic intervention has the power to treat an aggressive cancer effectively.
Even the National Cancer Institute admits the treatment shows a lot of promise. A report on their website points to “intriguing” clinical trials that show how high-dose vitamin C can benefit patients with cancer and provide potential biomarkers that could be used to help personalize the approach. In addition, they say that studies are shedding more light on the patient populations most likely to respond to this type of therapy.
They also point out that vitamin C could be used alongside current therapies to make them more effective, stating: “In addition, given the current high financial cost of new cancer drugs, it seems rational to improve the effectiveness of current therapies by studying their clinical interactions with vitamin C. In our view, the implementation of this treatment paradigm could provide benefit to many cancer patients.”
It’s unfortunate that this news isn’t reaching more cancer patients as it has the potential to save a lot of lives.