Being Under Attack…
I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You’d just say the word
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone ~Even If, MercyMe
We just recently moved and everything seems to be awesome. The new house, which is morphing into our home, is beautiful, accommodating and serves us quiet well. It was also the home of a worship leader prior to us moving in. When we looked at the house it had several Christian symbols, a massive Holy Bible open to Matthew and it had custom items built into the house that seem to be for the specific purpose of hosting large gatherings.
It seems the enemy has been prowling around for some time, as it has been one massive attack since moving in. There are thoughts and actions that surfaced that seemed to be long given to the Father. Not only are they back, they are back with a vengeance. Prayer life has been lot less, worship music is all but nonexistent and it seems the door for the enemy has been left wide open.
Starting today, right now, this is all going to change. Actually, changes began yesterday with an action that was presented a few weeks ago. The Lord gave me a vision and it was yesterday that it was finally addressed. This morning seems to be a clearer day and the clouds are seemingly parting and allowing the Light to return in earnest.
When we receive from God, it seems we must respond without hesitation. In the waiting lives the problem. Addressing a vision, answering a call is honors God’s voice, until we answer the “pipeline” is clogged. How will God know we are sincere if we delay our response to His Word?
About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him, “Cornelius!” And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God. Now send men to Joppa, and send for Simon whose surname is Peter. He is lodging with Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the sea. He will tell you what you must do.”
~Acts 10:3-6
Cornelius did not hesitate, he did not wait and the Lord continually poured out more and more instructions, visions and Words directly to Cornelius. Is this how it works? Had there not been a delay in answering the call provided me a few weeks ago would the attack ever happened? Would the door have been opened in such a way that allowed the enemy free-range over my thoughts?
Of course it will be impossible to know, but a person with a heart and the Spirit of the Lord, it seems pretty clear. We must tend to the visions, the “still small voice” and respond immediately.
Putting on a brave face does no good. God already knows, God already sees and God already understands us even though we not only don’t understand ourselves we most certainly don’t understand His power, His mercy, His grace and His deep unrelenting love for His children.
Either the Gospel is divine inspiration, the Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.