Moral Bankruptcy Sets In: British Parliament Staff Confess Racial Sins, Pledge Allyship, BLM Support by JACK MONTGOMERY for Breitbart
Senior staff at the British Parliament have confessed their white privilege and pledged to be “allies” to minorities as the legislature pilots “unconscious bias training” for elected MPs.
“Mandatory unconscious bias training [for parliamentary staff] has been in place in parliament for years now and it has not made any difference to the racism experienced by black staff,” one former black staffer alleged in comments to The Times, which perhaps explains the move to expand such “training” to cover MPs as well.
The Times, arguably Britain’s most authoritative so-called newspaper of record, claimed in the headline of their story that “MPs will be made to take [the] anti-racist training” — although the text of the report does not make it clear that it will in fact be compulsory.
Forcing elected MPs to undergo “unconscious bias training” — a not uncontroversial academic concept which, like “white privilege”, many conservative and classical liberal thinkers believe to be baseless and ideologically motivated, would raise critical constitutional issues, given their right to “work” is contingent solely on their democratic mandate and willingness to swear the parliamentary oath of allegiance.
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— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 23, 2020
Parliament’s senior staffers, for their part, appear to be submitting to accusations of systemic and/or institutional racism with zero resistance, confessing their guilt and privilege and vowing to be better “allies” to minorities.
Deputy Head of Security Emily Baldock, for example, denounced herself in a message distributed over the internal network for staffers, confessing: “I am guilty of thinking it’s enough that I don’t make racist comments or actively discriminate. I am guilty of expecting that black colleagues will explain everything, rather than seeking out the answers myself… I am sorry.”