Charlotte Man Who Proclaims ‘Jesus Saves’ Attacked by Protesters During RNC By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire
Sam Bethea is no stranger to what can happen on the streets in Charlotte. Before turning his life around, Bethea was in and out of jail 29 times. Now, though, he spends his time differently: he uses it to share the Gospel.
“Most people think of me as a street preacher, but I’m really not preaching on the streets, so to say,” Bethea said during an interview last year with podcaster Tiffani Lewis. “I’m more so declaring and proclaiming a simple message: Jesus loves you, Jesus saves. The King is coming. John 3:16. Something simple, because of the rat race that we live in.”
“I like to say what I do is street evangelism, street ministry,” he added.
But not everyone is receptive to what Bethea has to say. That became overwhelmingly clear earlier this week, when he was attacked by angry protesters gathered to oppose the Republican National Convention, parts of which were held in Charlotte.
As he was proclaiming his simple message — “Jesus loves you” — protesters began dousing Bethea in flour, glitter, oil, and silly string, ridiculing him for sharing the Gospel amid the racially charged unrest over the RNC.