What the Bible Says About Racism: Why This Man’s Article is Top Search on Google By Charlene Aaron for Faith Wire
When you Google what the Bible says about racism an article of the same title by Dr. Jim Denison is the top result.
In it Denison highlights how Christians viewed slaves as their equal and how not a single New Testament leader owned slaves, even though many had the resources to purchase them.
In light of the George Floyd case, Denison said he is not surprised by the uptick in race-related inquiries.
“This is much more a present tense than we were willing to admit it was and I think we’re looking for Biblical guidance now,” Denison told CBN News.
This is guidance that Denison, a former pastor, eagerly shares.
“Jesus died for every person that we know,” said Denison. “God made all of us. According to Genesis 3, we’re all descended from the same mother. We all as Paul said in Galatians 3, there’s neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.”
More than one million people seeking answers on topics from abortion to gender identity tune into Denison’s podcast and daily newsletter as well as the Denison Forum, a digital ministry that tackles current events from a biblical perspective.
Through his extensive research, Denison pushes back against the narrative that systemic racism doesn’t exist in America today.
“First of all that’s wrong,” he explained. “Those that say that that’s the case are simply misstating the facts. They’re not understanding the realities that are before us today.”
“In the criminal justice system, you’re far more likely to be sentenced for the same crime if you’re black than if you’re white. As regards to employment, you’re fifty percent less likely to get hired for sending out resumes if you have an African American name than if you have an Anglo sounding name.”