How to Break Soul Ties You Didn’t Know You Had

How to Break Soul Ties You Didn’t Know You Had by SHANE W. ROESSIGER for Charisma News

One thing that freezes us from moving forward is soul ties. We can have them with our past, ministry, friends, family, culture, pets, places, items and things. You can’t say no to man, to your emotions, because your soul is tied up to something else and not Jesus.

We are made of three parts: spirit, soul and body. Then the soul has three parts: mind, will and emotions that flow from the heart. God is in the business of winning our whole soul back to Him completely. If we are not willing to cut off some soul ties, we are not willing to follow Jesus. Soul ties pull us back to our will, to our flesh, to this earthly ground. They hold us back from our destiny, freedom and truth.

Our soul must love God first (all of our mind, all of our heart, all that is within us). This is the first commandment. Most of the trouble is not even the devil for some people but that their soul is tied to something or someone else. Satan will give what our soul wants and in excess.

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Colossians 3:5 talks about inordinate affection—meaning unregulated, exceeding reasonable limits, unregulated excess behavior.

You can’t fulfill your destiny if you have a soul tie. It will distract you and pull you away from the life of God because anything down here is carnal and earthly. Soul ties with employment, culture, anything that restricts you from being free to do what you are called to be. “I can’t talk about anything that confronts my culture,” is another example of a soul tie, or an inordinate affection with animals. You can’t do things without them. It is not normal to love animals more than people. It is not normal to love your job more than Him.

Carnal churches and ministers are catering to man’s souls, not to their spirits. In this, there is no deliverance. Spirit flies high like eagles. Soul tie will keep you down here in the chicken coop!

Even ministry birthed by Jesus can become a soul tie because it may have taken the place of Jesus in your heart, mind and emotions. You can’t serve God and have children first. You can’t serve God and be a slave to your employment. Soul ties control your mind and your will. They dictate your happiness. For example: If you are on good terms with your soul tie, then you are good, but the minute you try to say no to your soul tie, you are not good. If all your soul ties are happy, you are happy. If one is miserable or hurt, you are miserable. They dictate you and your emotions.

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