The Multifaceted Ways Believers Can Hear the Voice of God

The Multifaceted Ways Believers Can Hear the Voice of God by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News

GNN Note – Here’s one way we can hear from God – True Identity

More than anything else, the finished work of Christ was to restore our relationship with the Father. This means that we can now have close, intimate fellowship with Him.

We can approach His throne boldly and we can receive His instructions, feel His presence, hear His whispers and be led daily by His Spirit. God has hardwired the child of God to hear His voice through and through. Hearing His voice and feeling His nudges should be second nature to us, as natural as breathing. Yet, this is an area in many people’s lives where they struggle.

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The struggle is real, and I don’t want to deny the attention it deserves. Believers all over the world wrestle with being able to be led by the Spirit and hear His voice.

If you dive into the Word of God, you’ll see countless stories of men and women who knew God deeply and intimately and were empowered to know His heart and follow His will. Jesus even told in the gospel of John that His sheep hear His voice and do not follow the voice of a stranger.

We need to believe this more than anything else. The devil will whisper in our ears, “You can’t hear God” and “Everyone else is hearing God more than you.” Instead of feeding on what the devil is saying, we must ground ourselves in the unchanging word of truth. We need to meditate and mutter the truth of “I am God’s sheep, and I hear His voice. I do not listen to the voice of a stranger.”

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