Australian Prime Minister: COVID vaccine will be ‘as mandatory as you can possibly make it’

Australian Prime Minister: COVID vaccine will be ‘as mandatory as you can possibly make it’ By Paul Smeaton for Life Site News

After public outcry, Scott Morrison has partially walked back on his comments, saying that there will be a ‘lot of encouragement and measures’ to get as many people injected as possible

The Australian Prime Minister has said that he expects a coronavirus vaccine will be made “as mandatory as you can possibly make it.”

Scott Morrison, who has been Prime Minister since August 2018, has subsequently somewhat walked back the comments, saying that there will be “no compulsory vaccine but there will be a lot of encouragement and measures to get as high a rate of acceptance as usual.”

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Morrison’s original comments were made during a 3AW radio interview.

Within 24 hours Australia’s senior politician had backtracked, saying in a subsequent radio interview on 2GB that “it is not going to be compulsory to have the vaccine, OK? It’s not compulsory. There are no compulsory vaccines in Australia.”

Morrison said that “there are no things that force people to do things,” adding that there will be “no compulsory vaccine, but there will be a lot of encouragement and measures to get as high a rate of acceptance as usual.”

When questioned by the interviewer, who said that he understood that Morrison had wanted to make the vaccine mandatory, the Prime Minister replied: “there are no mechanisms for compulsory, I mean we can’t hold someone down and make them take it.”

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