Scriptures to Strengthen Your Spirit and Identity in Christ by MARY KING for Charisma News
GNN Note – Here’s a great series about True Identity in Christ Jesus. – Men’s Retreat | True Identity (Video) – Session 4
This week on Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright, Liz speaks on the power of living out of our true identity and knowing who we really are in God. This is one of Liz’s great passions because of how she was brought into the kingdom over 20 years ago—through a physical visitation from Jesus Christ.
She reads through powerful Scriptures and invites us to really enter into the truths they contain about our identity in Christ. Liz shares that as new creations in Him, “We are to implement the rule of God and the establishing of His kingdom on the earth.” The astounding victory of the cross has placed us in heavenly places with Jesus.
Liz has observed through her time in ministry that some live in a defensive posture, constantly feeling they must defend themselves from the enemy. The truth in Scripture, is that we are the enemy to every work of darkness! The supremacy of the finished work of the cross means that the devil is defeated and we have the upper hand.
Liz also shares that “He is our covenant-keeping God. He wants His testimony to continually increase in the earth through our lives.” No matter what you may be facing, you can rest in the strength of who God says He is and all the promises contained in His Word.
You can receive His invitation today to shift into an entirely new perspective, security and confidence, all of which come from the place of abiding. As Liz says, “The wisest thing we can do and the most powerful thing we can do in life is prioritize our heart-to-heart connection with Jesus.”