Why God Can Use Every Christian in ‘Entry-Level’ Prophecy by JARED LASKEY for Charisma News
You can hear God’s voice and prophesy! If you have a relationship with Jesus, you can hear His voice and speak what He is saying.
Jesus said, “My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). If you can hear His voice, then you can be used by God in what I call “entry-level prophecy.” This is for everyone who loves Jesus, the beginning point of prophecy.
The apostle Paul wrote that prophecy is for, “edification, encouragement and comfort.” This is the first level of prophecy. The second level of prophecy is what I call “advanced-level prophecy,” which is the prophetic ministry and ongoing spiritual growth in the gift. The final level of prophecy— the prophetic office—is what I call “expert-level prophecy,” which is the Ephesians 4:11-13 fivefold ministry gift to the church. There is a high price, sacrifice and call to expert level.
But all of us can be used in entry-level prophecy. And I want to encourage people with a prophetic word every day. If I am going out on an errand, I need the heart motivation of Jesus, which is love, and dialogue with Him.
If I am buying a cup of coffee or groceries, I’ll ask Jesus, “How much do you love the barista (or cashier)?” And then I’ll ask, “What do you want to tell them?” And many times He will give me a word of knowledge mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8, and I’ll start a conversation with the person by asking them a question. From there, they will confirm what the Lord just showed me, and I’ll prophesy into their life. They’ll be encouraged, comforted and edified. We don’t have to tell them, “I am prophesying over you!” They will pick up on the supernatural transaction taking place. Tell them about Jesus’ love for them and pray over them.