Why priest is wrong in describing Communion on tongue as Gnostic and Calvinistic by PETER KWASNIEWSKI for Life Site News
‘One barely knows where to begin taking apart such a tangled web of misinformation and fantasy’
The internet exposes the most breathtaking ignorance to full public display. It’s like a form of intellectual nudism. I suppose this is a good thing, as the errors and vices of the postconciliar Church can no longer hide, like creepy-crawly things in dark swamps, but are being exposed for what they are in broad daylight. This is not to say they will be instantly wiped out. It is only to say that it is easier to fight an enemy who makes himself apparent.
A Catholic Boomer priest, trained at St. John’s in Camarillo—there is no need to give his name, but he has quite a following on Facebook—posted this nugget:
For the first thousand years of the Church Communion was given in the hand only. John Calvin’s influence on the Church, along with the Gnostics preached that the human body was evil and that humans were basically evil and that Communion was only for the holy Clergy. This heresy was condemned, so the Jansenists, who followed a lot of Calvin’s heresies, said ‘You aren’t good enough to touch the Body of Christ with your hand, only with your tongue!’ as if the tongue is holier than the hand. When someone is Baptized or Confirmed their entire being is Baptized or Confirmed, not just their tongue. They are anointed and consecrated to Christ, their entire body, mind and spirit.
One barely knows where to begin taking apart such a tangled web of misinformation and fantasy.
1. We already have evidence of communion into the mouth from the first millennium. Msgr. Nicola Bux argues there are even indications of it at the Last Supper.