Leaving This Out Of Your Emergency Bag Could Leave You Helpless by SARA TIPTON for Ready Nutrition
Emergency situations are rarely planned. While we may have plans or ideas of how to deal with certain events, there are simply too many “what ifs” on this ride called life. And without this essential bug out item, you could be caught in a very precarious situation.
Emergency situations are rarely planned. While we may have plans or ideas of how to deal with certain events, there are simply too many “what ifs” on this ride called life.
There could be times when you will have mere minutes to evacuate your home and if you do not have a plan and supplies already packed and ready, you lose precious seconds during an evacuation. Because of the uncertainty when it comes to emergencies, we are big believers in having multiple bug out bags for the home, vehicle, and workplace, but for the sake of the article, we are concentrating on the bug out bag for the home.
One mistake that many forget to prepare for is ensuring that your financial needs are met in an evacuation situation. In an emergency, many don’t think to have enough cash on hand, and already in the bug out bag to get them through the ordeal. And without this essential bug out item, you could be caught in a very precarious situation.
Cash is King
Cash is king. Sure, gold and silver are great too – especially in a collapse, but let’s be real; during a short-term emergency, who accepts those or even wants those in exchange for goods or services? Few, if any, especially businesses. The reason cash is better than keeping your credit or debit card on hand is that there’s simply no guarantee that ATMs or credit card machines will be operational. A grid-down situation, bank closure, or run on banks could all limit your ability to take out cash after the emergency. And for that matter, if you are in an off-grid situation, you will not be able to access your bank account or use credit cards.