God Died For You…

God Died For You… We live in our own little fantasy world of make-believe where we see ourselves as something we are not. Some are lost in the slavery of social media while others are entangled in the slavery of TV or politics or sports or pornography or booze and the list goes on and on and on. The whole time God is right there with us. We tell ourselves we have “turned our back on God” and while that part is absolutely true, God did not turn His back…


8 Things Your Bible Says About Itself

8 Things Your Bible Says About Itself by MATT SMETHURST for The Gospel Coalition There are only two options when it comes to knowledge of a divine Creator: revelation or speculation. Either he speaks, or we guess. And he has spoken. The God of heaven and earth has “forfeited his own personal privacy” to reveal himself to us—to befriend us—through a book. Scripture is like an all-access pass into the revealed mind and will of God. By virtually any account the Bible is the most influential book of all time. No shortage of ink…


Breaking Away From the System

Breaking Away From the System by Rory for The Daily Coin It was the early 1980’s when the awakening process began for me. A group of friends were celebrating Spring with their annual “Spring Fling”, the first gathering of people that I was able to spend time with who were actually living an alternative lifestyle. At the time, and in some circles today, the “communal lifestyle” was more referred to as the “Counter Culture”. They had awakened to the reality that the “news” was a lie, the politicians were criminals…


Exercise 13 minutes every day to increase your life expectancy by 3 years, advise experts

Exercise 13 minutes every day to increase your life expectancy by 3 years, advise experts By Divina Ramirez for Prevention It’s no secret that regular exercise is good for human health. It strengthens muscles, boosts immune function and reduces the risk of chronic disease, among other health benefits. On top of these benefits, researchers from a health insurance firm in the UK found that regular exercise can also lead to a longer life. The team found that exercising for just 13 minutes, or less than a quarter of an hour, every day for 12…


Why Is Age a Factor in COVID-19?

Why Is Age a Factor in COVID-19? by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola For centuries, people have been searching for the Fountain of Youth. Many thought it was a real fountain where a person could bathe or drink to slow the aging process. While that fountain doesn’t exist, there are several strategies you may use to affect a change internally with external results. Several factors affect aging, including chronic inflammation that leads to chronic disease. Although inflammation plays an essential role in repairing injury, chronic inflammation may result in health conditions…


Three Ways to Ignite Your Teenager’s Passion for God (Podcast)

Three Ways to Ignite Your Teenager’s Passion for God Podcast by J. Warner for Cold-Case Christianity We’ve all seen it before. That inattentive expression in the eyes of our teens (or pre-teens) when someone starts talking about God or Christianity. Maybe it’s subtle, maybe it’s more pronounced, but we recognize it: our kids are often be distracted, un-engaged or apathetic when it comes to spiritual issues. J. Warner offers three practical tips to increase your teenager’s passion for God in this episode of the NRBtv Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast. Be sure…


Surviving “Great Depression 2” With No Income

Surviving “Great Depression 2” With No Income by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog The 29 depression wiped out money in the banks. If you had money there, you were paid ten percent of what you had when it crashed years later… Be prepared for no Money in the bank, no money in your 401k, no money in your mutual funds. Social Security for the ones who are receiving it will be gone. Any pension from work will be gone. So now figure out a plan to survive with all your…


Why Most American Christians Resemble Jesus’ ‘Barren Fig Tree’

Why Most American Christians Resemble Jesus’ ‘Barren Fig Tree’ by DON BRITTON for Charisma News “When He saw a fig tree by the road, He went to it but found nothing on it except leaves. He said to it, ‘Let no fruit ever grow on you again.’ Immediately the fig tree withered away” (Matt. 21:19). Today most American Christians are barren of godly fruit but only have attractive leaves on their trees. There is a great misunderstanding concerning the difference in bearing the fruit of God versus going to church…


Is Todd White A Fraud? You Decide…

Is Todd White A Fraud? You Decide… GNN Note – We published a couple of Mr. White’s sermons, but always felt like something was out of balance, so we only published maybe 5(?) of his sermons. ****** By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire Todd White’s faith has changed quite radically in just a matter of months. In May, the Christian evangelist was speaking out against a documentary series that condemned the prosperity Gospel and his preaching of it. At the time, he rebuked the show, “American Gospel: Christ Alone,” as “demonically inspired.”…