GNN Note – Remember the ABC’s of prayer – audible, brief and concise. It’s quiet simple to hear from God – three steps – clear your heart, spirit and mind by simply rebuking the enemy / satan / devil in Jesus Christ name. It clears you and it clears the entire space. Next, ask the name the enemy / satan / devil has been recently calling you – i.e. “idiot” “unworthy” “terrible dad / parent / mother” whatever comes to your mind – WRITE THEM DOWN – then imagine yourself giving the list to Jesus Christ and watch what He does with the list. Lastly – ask – “what do You want me to know in this day ( or about a situation)” and “what do You want me to do?” Listen, WRITE IT DOWN. If it’s something unreasonable, it’s probably from God, if it’s something nasty, it is definitely not from God and if it’s something silly, it’s probably coming from you. If you don’t hear from God, odds are there is some situation or someone that needs to be forgiven – in other words a little deeper repentance is probably going to be required. Send me an email and we can get into that – put in the subject line – “repentance” and we’ll make it happen!!

I recently ask and was told to “run a marathon”. I don’t run unless chased. So, this seemed to be in line. It’s reasonable, something I don’t do and not silly. What has to be kept in mind is there are a number of types of “marathons”. Not all of them involve running 26 miles. Another very important aspect to keep in mind is “willingness” – true willingness. Remember Abraham? Okay. Willingness is a key component.

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Have you been tricked into believing lies of false prophets and teachers telling you they hear from God? Have you allowed yourself to be tricked into believing you’ve clearly heard from God?!

This video unravels how widespread religious deception and self-deception grows. From Jim Jones and the People’s Temple, to Torben Sondergaard and the Last Reformation movement, to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, exaggerations and outright distortions prevail.

This video also reveals the key to how it is possible to hear the voice of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit without being deceived either by ourselves or others. If it doesn’t line up with obedience to the teachings of Christ, forget it!

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