Seven Lessons for Productivity (Video)

Seven Lessons for Productivity Video by Pastor John Piper for Desiring God

After fifteen hundred episodes of the Ask Pastor John podcast, Pastor John shares seven lessons that have inspired him to labor faithfully over decades.

Ninety months ago, we started a little podcast called Ask Pastor John. And today we reach episode 1,500. Incredible. This is only possible with the support and engagement of many listeners around the globe — your prayers, your listens, your emails, your suggestions, and your continued financial support. Thank you so much. And when you mix all the play counts together — from various podcast players, the APJ app, plays from the website, and all the YouTube plays — we are quickly closing in on two hundred million episode plays all time. That baffles me.

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It’s especially remarkable because, as some of you know, we designed this podcast to cover us in 2013 when Pastor John was in Knoxville for a year. We wanted a way for his voice to remain close to DG. It worked. And we planned to end it with episode 400. But episode 400 was basically our launch. That epic episode really propelled a growing momentum that has grown year after year ever since.

So, Pastor John, here we are — ninety months later. Let’s step back and ponder this. Talk to us about work, especially how you work. People look at your ministry and say you’ve written a lot, spoken a lot, accomplished a lot. What have you learned about your own personal productivity? Do you have any wisdom about productivity or creativity you want to share with us at this APJ milestone?

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