Stephen Strang: The Spiritual Reality of COVID-19

Stephen Strang: The Spiritual Reality of COVID-19 by STEPHEN STRANG for Charisma News

Even though I was trained as a secular journalist at the University of Florida, as a believer I see everything from a biblical worldview. To me that means God created all things, and there is an unseen spiritual realm as real as the physical world we see. I agree with my friend, the late John Paul Jackson, who quoted french philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: “We are not human beings having a temporary spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.”

I also believe there is spiritual warfare at work in our world. And if we understand that, many of the things that otherwise don’t make sense are understandable. I’ve spent my career reporting on the Christian community, the spiritual world and God’s end-time plan for man. As I have written from the start, it has never been about Donald J. Trump. Although many like to critique, criticize and analyze his every move, this really isn’t what God is concerned about at all! What happened in 2016 was a direct response to the prayers of the righteous here in America and beyond. It was a last-minute reprieve!

It was a period where God was willing to show His mercy, His grace and His love and give us just a little more time. The time was given not only to the American people but more so to the American church! Our mandate was simple: Do not act as if it’s business as usual. God wanted us to repent as a nation and as a church! To begin to lead the culture again in accordance with the truth of the Word of God. To once again stand for righteousness and push back against the demonic agenda we were under so we could change the trajectory in which this nation was headed. At that time, we had seen decades of moral decline, a prolonged anti-God/ anti-Christianity movement and a death culture that continued to celebrate the murder of our most innocent societal members—our babies! Has any of this changed?

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Now, as we look back at the last four years, has the American church done its part of the bargain? Have we risen up in prayer, fasting and standing for righteousness? Have we been outspoken from the pulpit and pushed back against the assignment of the enemy to morally bankrupt our culture and attack our children’s minds and identities? Have we made progress in taking our country back from falling off the moral abyss? Have we done enough? I believe the moment of truth will soon be upon us, as there are two very different possible scenarios ahead. They are as follows:

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