“Something Big Is Coming”: Pastor Dana Coverstone Just Had Another Prophetic Dream About The Month Of September

“Something Big Is Coming”: Pastor Dana Coverstone Just Had Another Prophetic Dream About The Month Of September by  for End of the American Dream

Christians all over America are talking about Pastor Dana Coverstone, and he just had another prophetic dream about the month of September that everyone should hear.  He is warning that “something big is coming”, and he is calling Christians all over the country to pray for our nation from the beginning of the month of September to the end.  Hopefully many will heed this call, because we are definitely at a major turning point in our history.  I have been hearing from so many readers lately that feel such an urgency about the second half of this year and beyond, and I think that is a big reason why Pastor Coverstone’s original video resonated so strongly with so many people.  What he shared in that video exactly matches what countless believers have been feeling, and it also perfectly lines up with experiences that other prophetic voices have been having.

Pastor Coverstone’s original video on YouTube has now been viewed over 1.5 million times.  In that video he shared a dream that he had in December 2019 in which the Lord showed him that a great pandemic and tremendous civil unrest would erupt in America during the first half of this year, and events have played out in real life just as he saw in that dream.

Subsequently, Pastor Coverstone had another dream in late June in which the month of September was specifically singled out as having special significance

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Here’s what I saw.

I saw a calendar. Start with the calendar. As I was having this, the calendar was up, a white figure appeared.  To me, it was a representing God the Holy Spirit, something pure, something righteous, something true, something Holy because there was nothing sinister about it.  Nothing evil, but I heard the voice say, “part two, part two”.

I saw June, go, I saw July. I saw August, and then I saw September, and I saw the finger underneath the word Septemberand I like like emphasizing it and tap the three times.

We don’t know exactly what will happen in September, but from the remainder of that dreamit certainly sounds like great chaos is coming in November and in the months beyond.

Other prophetic voices have been warned about the second half of this year as well.  Dr. Maurice Sklar was specifically shownthat September is a key month, and John Fenn was specifically shownthe same thing.

So we have multiple witnesses that are all confirming the same thing, and that should definitely get our attention.

It should be noted that John Fenn was told that the events that he was shown are conditional.  In other words, they may or may not happen based on how America responds over the coming months.

And that actually fits very well with the new prophetic dream that Pastor Dana Coverstone just had on July 10th, because that dream appears to be a national call to prayer.

Pastor Coverstone revealed this new dream during a worship service at his church, and you can watch his entire sermon right here.  In the dream, Pastor Coverstone saw a hand remove the month of September from the calendar, and the page fell and came to rest at his feet.  He was instructed to stand on the page and to intercede for the nation.  After praying for a few minutes, he was instructed to call others to pray with him, and ultimately he saw large numbers of people praying.  All throughout the month of September, he saw believers united in prayer, and then he saw something else that was very unusual.

He saw a hand come down and write the words “a solemn” in front of the word “September”, and then the hand wrote the word “assembly” after the word “September”.

And so when the hand was done writing, the phrase “a solemn September assembly” was written across the top of the calendar.

That immediately got my attention, because we actually find the phrase “a solemn assembly” in the Bible.  In Leviticus 23:36, the festival of Yom Kippur is described as “a solemn assembly” in the King James Version…

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