6 Ways Leftism Acts Like A Religion

6 Ways Leftism Acts Like A Religion By Ā for The Federalist

Leftism has transformed from an obscure cult into a dominant religion in our country. The progressive promised land is here now.

Conservative commentators have been mocked for years for describing leftism as a new religion of sorts. Since 2016, it has become clear that the modern left was determined to prove us right.

What we have witnessed unfold in this country over the last few years, and have seen increase exponentially as the 2020 election comes near, especially with regard to the Black Lives Matter movement, is an expression of religious zealotry so widespread, unforgiving, and violentthat it might have made the Puritan governors of 17th-century Massachusetts worry they were being outdone.

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Leftism is not a political ideology anymore. It is a full-fledged religion complete with tithing, penance, forced confessions, iconoclasm, internet inquisitions, public rituals, excommunication, heavily policed virtues, sacred texts, seminaries, and online auto-de-fes.

The proof is too plentiful to ignore. ā€Øā€ØHere are the signs that weā€™re truly confronting a theocracy of totalitarian religious extremists.

1. Conformity, Strictly Enforced Virtues, and Excommunication

Throughout history, religious nonconformists and dissenters of theocracies like the one weā€™re now confronting have been denied political and civil rights. Those who fail to express their undying loyalty to the Church of Leftism and participate in its public rituals are marked as heathens and ā€œcanceledā€ faster than you can say ā€œdue process.ā€ Those who dissent publicly from their established doctrine are routinely censored, humiliated, shunnedfrom certain schools or organizations, and even deprivedof their livelihoods.

In this religious system, heretics and apostates are ruthlessly suppressed and deniedthe full benefits of participation in the body politic. Even if youā€™re silent, the media choir will call it violence and demand you be shamed and unfollowed. If thatā€™s not enough puritan madness, the choir will also instruct you on how to be sufficiently woke. The New York Times recently ran a piece suggesting you must demand your family and friends donate to left-wing causes or threaten them with excommunication.

2. Inquisition

To ensure the aforementioned conformity, the Church of Leftism has established a Tribunal of the Woke Office of the Inquisition. They police speech; launch vicious pressure campaigns against celebrities, schools, and corporations; and work to ruin the lives of those who dare dissent from established orthodoxy. Even those who commit only the most venial of sins face the wrath of the woke.

Just ask J.K. Rowling, who is as woke as they come. Rowling even retroactively declared one of her book characters to be gay, but she committed the terrible sin of asserting that only biological women are real women. For that sin, she was met with a backlash so swift and vitriolic youā€™d think sheā€™d written a new book called ā€œHitler Potter and the Prisoners of Auschwitz.ā€

Silence will not save you. If you donā€™t make sufficient and timely proclamations on social media displaying your deep belief in the church, the inquisition will come for you too. Just look at the people who didnā€™t put a black square on Instagram during #BlackoutTuesday. Even George Washington canā€™t escape the inquisition or the destructionthat follows it.

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