How Are You Stewarding Your Spiritual Hunger? by KEITH COLLINS for Charisma News
The depths of Jesus and the revelation of his love for us, coupled with our pursuit of Him, are divinely connected as only by effectively appropriating both of them brings about an ongoing revelation of His glory, with an incessant hunger and thirst that cannot be quenched.
As a result, the dynamic of pursuing God, even though we have already experienced redemption, is the result of a glorious understanding that there is no end to His love, glory, beauty, holiness, power, mercy, grace and so on.
The wells of heaven’s glory can only be tapped by way of a constant pursuit of the King’s presence and purposes. Amazingly, Jesus makes himself readily available to those who are willing to enter a holy realm where hunger and thirst for Him become their native air.
Hear the words of A.W. Tozer, “I want the presence of God Himself, or I don’t want anything at all to do with religion … I want all that God has or I don’t want any.” Tozer’s cry was for God Himself! He realized that the ultimate treasure that can be found and eternally explored by a human is the Lord and his amazing glory.
Therefore, the ongoing pursuit of God resulting in the glory of heaven is only made available to those who are “poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3b). This posture revealed by Jesus is one where we acknowledge and never lose sight of the fact that we are in desperate need of the Lord, and only more of Him will ever satisfy our holy passions that yearn for eternal treasures.
In the light of eternity, the trophies of Calvary are the hearts of the followers of Jesus continually seeking and pursuing deeper places in Him. This is where we come to meekness and the understanding of total dependency upon the Lord. It is then and only then that we find entrance into the glory of the throne room of the King, which never grows common or dim.