Why the Church Must Not Miss This Revival Opportunity by GREGORY REYNOLDS for Charisma News
Many are looking at what is occurring in this country and around the world at this time and are dismayed. As the church and as a prophetic people, we are often very late in recognizing when God is beginning to move.
The reason is, we are more familiar and comfortable with the word of God than we are in discerning the ways of God. But both are important. Moses did not just ask God to teach him His word, he asked God to teach him His ways (Ex. 33:13). God often moves in ways we are not expecting, and when He does, it frequently causes us to stumble.
What we are now experiencing is a move of God and the beginning of the revival we have long prayed for. The problem for many is that it is not coming in the form that was expected. Because this time, re-formation is proceeding the revival.
This is a moment of great light, the elevation of truth and the confronting of oppression. One reason that many are struggling is what is being brought to light strikes too close to home. As students of church history, how is it that we do not recognize these very characteristics of revival? One of the characteristics and requirements that God established regarding Jubilee is the removal of oppression. In the Jubilee passages in Leviticus 25 it is so important that God says it twice. In verse 14 and again in verse 17 God directs, ” You shall not therefore oppress one another, but you shall fear your God. For I am the Lord your God.
The Scriptures are full of passages concerning God’s view of oppression, injustice, truth and light. In fact, when Jesus began His public ministry, the very passages that He read proclaimed the characteristics of His ministry and specifically focused upon the poor and the oppressed. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19).