The Key to Achieving Breakthrough in This Time of Darkness

The Key to Achieving Breakthrough in This Time of Darkness by WAYLAND HENDERSON for Charisma News

The paradox of walking with Jesus is that in order to manifest the power of His resurrected life, we must continually be conformed by embracing the cross-shaped life. When we are troubled, it’s the power of His wounds that display the power of His Resurrection. Michael Gorman argues that “Paul wanted his life and ministry to tell a story, an experience that brought a re-presenting of the word of the cross in living form.”

In other words, Paul demonstrated that the Bible is not just a book of instructions (though it does contain that), but the history of His story being seen in humanity. The narrative of the story of the crucified Christ can be seen and displayed in the narrative of the life of believer by embracing our weakness so the power of His resurrection can be seen.

In this time of darkness, the key to breakthrough is for the light of the glorious gospel to shine through embracing tension of walking the revelation of both Lion and the Lamb, the suffering servant and the conquering King. Jesus is the beginning and the end; therefore, every area of our lives where He begins to reveal Himself will simultaneously lead us to the end of ourselves. It is in the revelation of His life that leads us to embrace a lifestyle of cruciformity (being conformed to the image of the crucified Christ).

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In this podcast, we will discover how it through the weak mortal earthen vessels that the treasure of the glorious gospel of Christ is displayed. The treasure of the light of the knowledge of the glory of God seen in the face of Jesus Christ shines in the hearts of those who are blinded by the god of this world. When the power of an unending life manifests through an earthen vessel with limitations, it breaks the power of darkness and removes the veil of darkness from the lost.

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