We need the truth now more than ever

We need the truth now more than ever from Life Site News

Now, more than ever before, media has the power to influence and shift the cultural paradigm. 2020 has tested this, and mainstream media has been successful in pushing its anti-life, anti-family, and anti-Christian agenda beyond what we ever imagined it would – and the masses are blindly following.

This is why we simply cannot sit by and allow the complete destruction of life, faith, family and freedom. If we don’t speak up, we will see history unfold in front of our eyes.

Though everything happening in our world right now is overwhelming, you can make a difference. You have the power to defend life, family, faith, and freedom by being a catalyst of positive change.

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One tangible and sustainable way to make an impact is by amplifying the voice of LifeSiteNews through your generosity. By supporting our news reporting during these unprecedented times, when media has the power to shift the culture, you will support a clear and truthful voice that is cutting through the fog and confusion of the mainstream media’s lies.

Defending the values that we hold most dear is only possible because of our readers’ support. As a reader-funded organization, we have the ability to use the power of the media to defend life, faith, family, and freedom – and as a result, change the culture.

Will you answer the call today by joining us on the Frontlines of this battle for culture? Will you help LifesiteNews to counter the lies of the mainstream, defend the truth, and in turn save lives?  

I hope so.

Without your support, social media corporations will continue to silence the conservative Christian voice and mainstream media’s lies will go unchecked. What this means for our culture is more abortion, more parental rights stripped away from us, more persecution against Christians and against our defense of traditional marriage. 

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