Prophet: How You Can Intimately Connect With Holy Spirit Every Day by JAMES W. GOLL for Charisma News
Oh, how I love the Holy Spirit! He makes Jesus real. He makes the Father enjoyable.
I roll out the red carpet to this precious dove of God every day. I say, “Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!” In these days, we want to welcome the baptism of the holy and fire. Send Your fire, Lord!
The Holy Spirit is the one who connects us to heaven. Without Him, not even Jesus could have known what the Father wanted Him to say or to do. (See, for example, John 5:19.) If you want to know God, you absolutely must get to know the Holy Spirit, who works tirelessly to connect heaven and earth.
The Holy Spirit Is Our Helper
This Holy Spirit is described in the Scriptures as the “Spirit of knowledge,” which means that He is the Spirit of knowing and of being known. In other words, the Spirit has been given to us to make God known and to make Him knowable. Father God is approachable, but without the Holy Spirit’s help, we tend to be afraid of Him. We are afraid because of our sin. But we can approach God without trepidation when we are in Christ (see Heb. 4:15–16), having the Holy Spirit as our Helper, because the Spirit is our Comforter, or paraclete (from the Greek paráklētos, “close beside,” and “make a call,” like a legal advocate who makes the right judgment call, being close to the situation). The Spirit is our advocate and encourager.
Isaiah noted that He would be filled with the Spirit of God, and the prophet expanded on what kind of Spirit this would be: “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord” (Isa. 11:2).