Black woman tells BLM in CHAZ territory that Planned Parenthood is #1 black killer

Black woman tells BLM in CHAZ territory that Planned Parenthood is #1 black killer

GNN Note – #BlackLivesMatter or do they – 9 Dead, 56 Shot In Chicago Father’s Day Weekend Violence; Toddler Killed

Just looking at facts, not concerned with how people “feel” or what they think or don’t think, just looking at what is actually happening on the ground with our communities – black, white, green, purple, who cares – what are these satanic globalist actually doing to us and why are we so easily distracted by a tragedy and completely ignore the actual problems?

Comparison – George Floyd being murdered is a tragedy – 59,000 children being murdered in New York City annually is genocide. Something is out of balance with this current situation of riot, looting and marauders roaming the streets. Their priorities are very, very jacked-up and backwards.

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‘Why don’t I see my brothers and my sisters outside Planned Parenthood?…Number one killer of the black population is Planned Parenthood’

SEATTLE, WA, June 19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Video footage has emerged of a courageous black woman inside CHAZ territory, the six square blocks in Seattle taken over by rioters, telling Black Lives Matter demonstrators that abortion giant Planned Parenthood is the “number one killer of the black population.”

“Why don’t I see my brothers and my sisters outside Planned Parenthood?” Edmee Chavannes shouts to a crowd assembled in the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or Capital Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) in Seattle.

“We need you all there. Number one killer of the black population is Planned Parenthood,” she continued.

“I don’t see Black Lives Matter in front of a Planned Parenthood.”

Chavannes herself was arrested outside a Planned Parenthood business with Bevelyn Beatty in New York on May 30 after being accused of violating “social distancing” regulations. The co-founders of the pro-life At the Well Ministries, Chavannes and Beatty had been persuading women not to have abortions.

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