Do What Is Honorable…

Do What Is Honorable…

When living in sin (separated from God) dishonor becomes a way of life. There is no honor among thieves and there is no honor to oneself when the enemy is making all the decisions and telling us what is “right and wrong”. The moral compass of Jesus Christ and the guidance from the Holy Spirit are out the door.

When one begins to bow to another person, and does not place Jesus Christ above all else, the corruption / brokenness takes on a different view altogether. We are to bow to Jesus Christ the Son of God who walks with the Holy Spirit and no one else.

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Give careful thought to do what is honorable in everyone’s eyes. ~Romans 12:17 CSB

It is only when we turn back to God and ask for grace and mercy from Jesus Christ that honor can be restored. Sometimes, it is only God that forgives us and allows us to live an honorable life. People are sometimes far less forgiving and unwilling to recognize any redemption within our lives.

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Being persistent in prayer will help turn the tide in a broken soul.

The past few weeks prayer life and discussions of prayer have dramatically increased which is now being reflected in responses to others, actions taken and words written. Every aspect of life is now being impacted in a far more positive way. Moving closer to God, puts us closer to God and thereby, allows the fruit of His magnificent wonder to be easily seen in our works. We are not doing works for any reason other to glorify Him that has freely forgiven and redeemed us.

Do not lack diligence in zeal; be fervent in the Spirit; serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality. ~Romans 12:11-13 CSB

The more we celebrate our love of Christ and reflect His love for us the more people around us will be impacted by our reflection. When we share the Gospel through our hearts, with zeal, love and beauty the whole world around us can and does see it, experience it and is changed by it. Lift up the Lord and allow His wonder and beauty to reign down on a broken world.

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