How Spirit of the Antichrist Manifests in ‘Separation of Church and State’ Lie by DANIELLA GIBBONS for Charisma News
Church, are we awake yet?
In the history of the separation of church and state there has never been a single church sued and defeated by the separation of church and state theory. This theory is not even a law but, just a statement in a letter Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. Did you get it? Not even law! We are being duped! We have been sold a lie!
Our Constitution, which is the document we stand on, was not written to us. It was written to the government for us. It starts out, “Congress shall make no law.” It is in the nature of man to have power and to overtake other men. Our founders were brilliant enough to know this, and so they put these things in place to protect us, the people, from the government. Our First Amendment was not written so the church wouldn’t influence the government. The First Amendment was written so the government wouldn’t influence the church.
Even now we’re seeing this continuing invasion of our liberties. It is amazing how quickly we have relinquished those rights. There’s nothing more terrifying to the legislature than the church. Pastors would really elevate themselves if they knew the power they have politically.
The church is under massive assault; the government hates what we stand for. We know the spirit of the antichrist is manifesting before our eyes, seeking to dismantle and destroy the church.
As a pastor myself, I was shocked to learn some of these truths. Instead of feeling ashamed or offended, I have woken up, repented from my lack of knowledge and moved forward with a yes in my heart to see our nation turn back to God.