How Do You Prepare for a Revolution?

How Do You Prepare for a Revolution? by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper

As all hell breaks loose across the United States of America (and we haven’t even gotten to the election yet), a resistance movement to the status quo seems to be increasingly violent, taking over a Minneapolis police precinct and an area in downtown Seattle. Protests continue to be peaceful in some areas but show little signs of letting up.

A lot of folks are pretty sure that a revolution is coming – and many people say it’s already here.

I got a great question in a group that I moderate: how do you prepare for a revolution?

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As preppers, this is always our go-to response to trouble. We want to know what we can do, specifically, to meet the crisis head-on and keep our families safe.

How do you prepare for a revolution?

In this article, I want to speak specifically about the practical steps you need to take to be prepared for a revolution if things should come to that point across the country. This article is not about philosophy or right vs. wrong. It’s not about fighting for your “side” whatever side that might be. It’s about surviving. There are lots of links because I’m not reinventing the entire wheel here – that would be a book on its own. This is merely a guideline so you know where to focus your time, money, and attention.

I pondered the question for quite a while before answering because it isn’t really a situation I had given a lot of thought to before.

The answer is really not anything earth-shattering. In fact, many will probably find it underwhelming.

You prepare for a revolution by simply continuing to prep. Specifically, consider prepping for the following:

  • Supply chain disruption and shortages of food
  • Supply chain disruption and shortages of material goods
  • Civil unrest
  • Disruption of utilities
  • Disruption of services

So for the most part, this is general prepping. The event causing all the disruptions may be different but the end result is the same. Let’s talk about each of these things.

Supply chain disruption and shortages of food

We’re already beginning to see disruptions of the food supply due to the COVID pandemic. Imports have been interrupted and distribution processes have utterly failed. As I wrote before, farmers are being forced to cull livestock and plow under produce because they have no way to get it to consumers.

In an uncertain future, these difficulties could continue or even become worse through strategic blockades.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Now is the time to make sure you’re stocked up. This book can help.
  • Localize your supply chain. Look for local farmers and purchase food in bulk.
  • Learn how to preserve food. Here are guides for canning foods and dehydrating foods to make them shelf-stable.
  • Learn how to acquire food with hunting, snaring, fishing, and foraging.

Become responsible for your own food supply. Stores may not be reliable sources.

Supply chain disruption and shortages of material goods

A shocking amount of our general supplies are imported. Here’s a list of things that come from China alone. Not only are imports disrupted but so is distribution in general. You may have noticed if you’ve been in any stores since things reopened that there are a lot of bare spots on the shelves and that you don’t have the same amount of choices as you did before the outbreak.

Things like bedding, clothing, footwear, tools, dishes, and hardware are sparse in many parts of the country. Here are a few steps you can take.

  • Focus on repairing instead of replacing.
  • If you do have to discard something, strip it of its useful parts. Sort out screws, fasteners, buttons, laces, etc., and store them for the time you need them.
  • Buy sturdy clothing now: pick up winter jackets, shoes, jeans, and practical clothes. For children, you may want to purchase things a size or two up from what they’re currently wearing.
  • Every time you go to the store, grab basic items like toilet paper, aluminum foil, ziplock bags, or other things you normally use.
  • Look for reusable options for things you’d normally throw out after one use.
  • Stock up on the tools you might need to repair, make, or mend things in the future.
  • If there are things you’ve been planning to replace or update, do it now if it’s an essential item. You might not be able to do so later.

Take time now to get ready for a world that could be poorly stocked.

Civil unrest

We’ve published a lot of articles recently about surviving civil unrest, with the number one phrase you’ll read being “don’t be there.” In essence, a revolution is civil unrest with heavier firepower. You’ll still be avoiding angry crowds, hardening your home, and keeping your family together, just on an even more life-threatening scale. You’ll definitely want to check out this on-demand webinar where Selco discusses his experiences and gives advice about surviving riots and unrest.

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